MTAA COVID-19 Webinar | The Value of MedTech - Our COVID-19 Response

2:00pm Thursday, 25 February 2021
3:00pm Thursday, 25 February 2021
MedTech Livestream

As COVID-19 persists globally, the response of the healthcare industry as a whole has been phenomenal. The MedTech industry has played a critical role in helping governments respond to the new and rapidly evolving challenges through multiple interventions and innovations, and helping to ensure that the right technologies are available, at speed and scale, for providers and patients to diagnose, treat and manage the virus.

The Asia Pacific Medical Technology Association (APACMed), our regional sister MedTech Association, has recently published a paper with Deloitte, looking at the value of MedTech in the region: MedTech in APAC: Improving Health and Transforming Lives. The paper aims to increase understanding of medical technologies and elucidate the role that they play within healthcare systems, for patients and societies, drawing on the inspiring work of the people of MedTech in the response to COVID-19.

Join this webinar to hear from APACMed team members, Maryline Marquet (Vice President Operations) and Georgia Swan (Manager, Government Affairs & Market Access) where they will discuss the paper and ways in which we can collaborate to build on this regional value platform moving forward.

On the panel will be:

Maryline Maquet
VP Operations
Georgia Swan
Manager, Govt. Affairs & Market Access and Manager, Legal, Ethics & Compliance

The details

Date:Thursday, 26 February 2021
Time:14:00-15:00 hrs AEDT
Cost:MTAA Members: FREE
 Don't forget to login as a Member to register
 Non-Members: $60.00 +GST
Sold Out

Contact Information

Lorraine Hendry - Events & Program Manager