MTAA WiMT Webinar | A Virtual Coffee Catchup with... Jodie Lydeker

11:00am Wednesday, 9 December 2020
11:45am Wednesday, 9 December 2020
MedTech Livestream

Join MTAA for the last "A Virtual Coffee Catch-up" for 2020, hosted by Rebecca Cortiula, Senior Managing Director, Varian Medical Systems, Australasia and a WiMT Committee Member. Rebecca will sit down to have an open and frank conversation with Jodie Lydeker.

At the age of 30, Jodie Lydeker was diagnosed with early-stage bowel cancer. Ten years after overcoming bowel cancer, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, and her world was turned upside down. From the daily grind to daily chemo, Jodie pushed through this chapter of her life with unwavering determination.

From dealing with her initial diagnosis to returning to work after undergoing cancer treatment, Jodie shares her brutally honest insights on the effect it had on her body image, her relationships, career and her new outlook on life.

Who is Jodie Lydeker....




Jodie Lydeker is currently working as an executive in the Victorian Government COVID-19 response. Most of Jodie’s career has been leading systemic social policy and law reforms related to the national Royal Commission into institutional child sexual abuse, anti-corruption, and mental health. Jodie is a lawyer by training but has also just finished some post-grad studies in health and human services including implementation science to create a new career path in the world of public health. ​

About Jodie...

I used to define myself by my list of career achievements, but Life has forced a hard re-start. First, it was early signs of bowel cancer at 30. Then, at 40 with dreams of marriage and motherhood, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Despite 12 months of surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation, I have come to realise my biggest challenges have become my greatest perspective changes. The long-term emotional healing from the loss of 20-year friendships, femininity and fertility has shifted my focus towards creating a new life, a new identity, and a new resolve to reconsider and reframe aspects of my life that were not serving me well. My only regret is that it took such a significant event to give myself permission to do that.   

I'm now inspired by creating connections and change through sharing experiences. And one day I hope to convert my reflections/blog ( into a book while living near a beach somewhere!

The Details: 

Date:Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Time:11:00-11:45 hrs AEDT
Cost:Members: $25:00 +GST = $27.50 pp
 Non-Members: $32:00 +GST pp = $35.20 pp



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Contact Information

Lorraine Hendry - Events & Program Manager