Crisis Management

Crisis Management

Crisis Management Guidelines

These Guidelines are developed for the management of actual, potential or threatened tampering of medicines, complementary healthcare products and medical devices.

Trusted Information Sharing Network

The Attorney-General's Department (AGD) provides strategic leadership on critical infrastructure matters and works closely with other Commonwealth agencies, states and territories and the business sector to ensure that Australia’s critical infrastructure is better protected and more resilient in the event of a disaster or emergency.

The Trusted Information Sharing Network (TISN), established by the AGD in 2003, provides an environment where business and government can share vital information on security issues relevant to Critical Infrastructure Resilience.

The TISN agenda is driven by critical infrastructure owners and operators, and is made up of seven Sector Groups (banking and finance, communications, energy, food chain, transport, water services and health). Further information on the TISN can be found at

Health Sector Group

HSG's primary role is to highlight specific health sector issues that may impact upon the safety and security of the health of the community and promote strategies for owners and operators of critical health infrastructure to be more resilient in the face of all hazards.

The Australian Government has released a website where companies can perform an online audit of their organisations resilience.

MTAA is a member of HSG. Further information on the HSG can be found here.

The latest HSG newsletter can be found here (July 2014).