Value-Based Healthcare Summit Sponsorship Prospectus

This Value Based Healthcare summit will provide a setting to discuss and examine the complexity of the issue, share solutions and strategies for the way ahead. We will explore the opportunities and challenges of implementing value-based healthcare in Australia and how each stakeholder in the supply chain from MedTech companies, hospitals, healthcare professionals, private health insurers and ultimately patients can work together.

The full day summit will attract 100 delegates from the various establishments listed above consisting of MTAA members and non-members from Australia and overseas providing the opportunity to increase your brand awareness and enhance relationships between the scope of the valuable professional contacts attending the Summit on Tuesday, 24th April 2018 in Sydney.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Summit Partner

Maximum exposure and acknowledgement

Lunch Sponsor 

Exclusive opportunity

Name Badge Sponsor

Exclusive opportunity

M $4,000 / NM $5,000

M $2,000 / NM $2,500

M $800 / NM $1,000


- Social media posts by MTAA acknowledging the partnership

- Special mentions as Partner during opening and closing of the Summit

- Your banner prominently positioned at registration

- Two feature articles prior to the summit in the MTAA Pulseline e-newsletter

- Two Summit registrations

- *Brochure seat drop for all attendees (x100).

*MTAA pre-approval required

- Social media posts by MTAA acknowledging the sponsorship

- Special mention of sponsorship prior to lunch

- Your banner displayed in BBQ area

- One Summit registration


- Social media post by MTAA acknowledging the sponsorship

- Special mention of sponsorship at opening speech.


Your Company logo on:

- Summit registration page

- Summit holding slides

- All delegate name badges

- Summit registration page

- Summit holding slides

- All delegate name badges

- Summit registration page

- Summit holding slides

- All delegate name badges